A new approach to social


Set yourself to a higher standard of online discourse and understanding


Show your stance on any subject

Arguments on social media are constantly misinterpreted - or they go missed altogether in the flurry of comments. On Common Stance, a Stance can be carefully thought out and organized with arguments. 

Support your stance with hand-selected sources

Common Stance uses artificial intelligence to organize and suggest sources or you can add your own, which also can be accessible without having to leave the discussion.

Real-time chat with argument context on how others view your stance

Common Stance members can engage in a structured and contextual discussion with others based on how they view their Stance on a given topic. 

Social Consensus

Social media has fundamentally changed the way we connect with our families, friends and colleagues. What's more is that this connection almost seamlessly extends across the entire planet, allowing us to interact with thousands of groups and communities from nearly all walks of life. We believe this advancement and new social dynamic has created an interesting challenge for humanity.

Socialization is the general idea that we all acquire values and behaviors in our own ways. Family, cultural traditions, religion, local community, etc. all have a significant impact in this regard. This aspect of individuals and societies seems to have clashed with the advancements of the internet, which in turn seems to have had a significant impact on individuals and societies and how we interact. In a sense, the massive influx of dynamic information and communication has created a tremendous pressure on individuals and societies to reconcile differences in socialization-based values across various groups and how we interpret the real-world. 

Over time, we believe, this may normalize as the internet becomes more and more integrated into the socialization process. However, we also believe that we can improve this process as it stands today and in time to come. Common Stance aims to leverage a notion of "Social Consensus", the idea that individuals and communities can have logical and evidence driven online discourse that will support, both, understanding and achieving measurable consensus on pertinent topics which should lean towards the evidence. 

 Join a growing community of members pursuing a healthier way to communicate online.